2004-04-04 06:39:43 UTC
"Family comedy,"though, still carries overtones of Ike years, when
sitcoms like "Father Knows Best" defined the genre and American pop
culture was supposed to promote stability, peace and the effacement
of discord at any cost.
請問一下,這裡的Ike years是指? 那sitcoms是什麼意思呀?
字典都找不到 ><
[m☆ [Origin:椰林風情] [From: 218-170-154-159.hinet-ip.hi] [Login: **] [Post: 48]
sitcoms like "Father Knows Best" defined the genre and American pop
culture was supposed to promote stability, peace and the effacement
of discord at any cost.
請問一下,這裡的Ike years是指? 那sitcoms是什麼意思呀?
字典都找不到 ><
[m☆ [Origin:椰林風情] [From: 218-170-154-159.hinet-ip.hi] [Login: **] [Post: 48]