Sam thought (that) the book was too expensive.
"that the book was too expensive" 是一個 noun clause
而如果這樣的noun clause 是作為動詞的 direct object 的位置時, that 便可以省略
(PS 但如果noun clause是preposition 的 object, that 不能被省)
而其他情況, 在noun clause 的 that 通常都不能被省
比如說, 如果noun clause置於 subject 的位置, that 便不能被省略了
例: That he is clever is obvious.
至於在adjective clause 裡面的that能否被省略, 又是另外一個case 了
1. This is the computer that he wants. -> (That 可省)
2. The computer that belongs to Andy is expensive. -> (That 不可省)
在第一個例子中, 由於 that 不是 adjective clause 中的subject, 所以可省
而第二個例子, that 是 clause 中的subject, 所以不可省
這是我的理解, 有任何遺漏錯失, 歡迎補充修正...
※ 引述《*** (蘚苔 蕨 種子)》之銘言:
: 謝謝你 我大概 了解這句話了
: 不過還有一個笨問題
: > 例子1:
: > 1. I bought the book.
: > 2. Sam thought the book was too expensive.
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: 原句是 Sam thought that the book was too expensive. 這樣嗎?
: ^^^^
: that可以被省略,的原因是次甚麼呢?
: 還是說 S + think + [子句]
: 這是 think/sense/feel..... (這一類動詞的用法)
: 這樣的句型常常看到,可是都不知道為甚麼 >_<"
: 還是說 that 是 think 的受詞 所以可以被省略?
: > 我可以連接成
: > I bought the book which Sam thought was too expensive.
C + K -> CK
It's a chemical formula that never exists.
Carbon, and potassium!? How can they be together with each other?
But, now here, you can see, I am formed by the combination of the two elements.
Just believe, and everything is possible.
Experience is just our memory, and it doesn't exist anymore.
And something does come out from this nothing!
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