2007-12-09 16:52:33 UTC
Underline and underscore are different.
That character is called "underscore"
The email address below is underlined.
Longman ONLINEThat character is called "underscore"
The email address below is underlined.
underscore (verb)
2. to draw a line under a word or phrase to show that it is important [=
American Heritage Dictionary
n. A line drawn under writing to indicate emphasis or italic type.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary
3. a line drawn beneath something written or printed.
even more:
[1;36munderscore[0;36m character[0m
_, ASCII 95.
Common names: ITU-T: [1;33munderline; underscore;[0m underbar; under.
Rare: score; backarrow; skid; INTERCAL: flatworm.
See also left arrow.
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, dictionary.com
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