2007-02-14 16:54:19 UTC
The common belief of some linguists that each language is a perfect
vehicle for the thoughts of the nation speaking it is in some ways the
exact counterpart of the conviction of the Manchester school of
economics that supply and demand will regulate everything for the best.
2008-01-01 02:47:23 UTC
The common belief |主语 belief
(of some linguists) |介词短语,限定belief
that |同位语从句,belief的内容
each language |从句主语
is |从句谓语
a perfect vehicle |从句宾语
for the thoughts |介词短语,限定vehicle
of the nation |介词短语,限定thoughts
speaking it |分词短语,限定nation,相当于the nation
that speaks it,it=the language
is |谓语
(in some ways) |介词短语,修饰谓语
the exact counterpart |宾语counterpart
(of the conviction |介词短语,限定counterpart
of the Manchester school|介词短语,限定conviction
of economics) |介词短语,限定school
that |同位语从句,counterpart of the conviction的内容
supply and demand |从句主语
will regulate |从句谓语
everything |从句宾语
for the best |介词短语,修饰从句谓语
The common belief of some linguists that each language is a perfect
vehicle for the thoughts of the nation speaking, it is in some ways
the exact counterpart of the conviction of the Manchester school
ofeconomics that supply and demand will regulate everything for the
The common belief of some linguists that each language is a perfect
vehicle for the thoughts of the nation speaking it is in some ways
the exact counterpart of the conviction of the Manchester school of
economics that supply and demand will regulate everything for the best.
2008-01-01 13:42:07 UTC
cn99 上看不见原帖...

楼上 lrj 说的 "Re: 请求解释一个句子" 在某一分钟的第 47 秒被 Moses 所回复;
文件夹 ID 为 31406;
原帖 46 行共 2967 字节.

l> 原文可能没漏逗号
l> The common belief |主语 belief
l> (of some linguists) |介词短语,限定belief
l> that |同位语从句,belief的内容
l> {
l> each language |从句主语
l> is |从句谓语
l> a perfect vehicle |从句宾语
l> for the thoughts |介词短语,限定vehicle
l> of the nation |介词短语,限定thoughts
l> speaking it |分词短语,限定nation,相当于the nation
l> that speaks it,it=the language
l> }
l> is |谓语
l> (in some ways) |介词短语,修饰谓语
l> the exact counterpart |宾语counterpart
l> (of the conviction |介词短语,限定counterpart
l> of the Manchester school|介词短语,限定conviction
l> of economics) |介词短语,限定school
l> that |同位语从句,counterpart of the conviction的内容
l> {
l> supply and demand |从句主语
l> will regulate |从句谓语
l> everything |从句宾语
l> for the best |介词短语,修饰从句谓语
l> }.

l> "近视" <***@s.h>
??>> 语言学家认为语言可以完美地表达思想,就像经济学家坚信供求决定一切一样。
??>> "近视" <***@s.h>
??>>> 原文可能少了一个逗号。把句子从中间分开就容易理解了。
??>>> The common belief of some linguists that each language is a
??>>> perfect vehicle for the thoughts of the nation speaking, it is
??>>> in some ways the exact counterpart of the conviction of the
??>>> Manchester school ofeconomics that supply and demand will
??>>> regulate everything for the best.
??>>> "qingyun" <***@gmail.com>
??>>>> 下面一个句子我看不懂,请大家解释一下。分析一下句子成分。
??>>>> The common belief of some linguists that each language is a
??>>>> perfect vehicle for the thoughts of the nation speaking it is
??>>>> in some ways the exact counterpart of the conviction of the
??>>>> Manchester school of economics that supply and demand will
??>>>> regulate everything for the best.
