2008-03-24 07:47:17 UTC
The Blue Light scorns the labor-saving arts of modern pharmarcy.
it macerates its opium and percolates its own laudanum and paregoric.

Are there some one can help me to translate this passage into chinese
because i can't interpret it accurately... tks a lot..
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└──《From: 》──┘   ◤ 唱片公司授權,音樂盡情下載
2008-03-26 07:06:11 UTC
※ 引述《DarkDQ ( )》之銘言:
Post by D***@kkcity.com.tw
Are there some one can help me to translate this passage into chinese
because i can't interpret it accurately... tks a lot..
It's a nonsense to find help here to "translate this passage
accurately" because hardly anybody around is familiar with
traditional English pharmacy and its related process 200
years ago, far before pharmacy industry! Just translate it
to your pleasure!

[法外科學暨工程顧問公司] :: DAICON III/IV 開幕動畫 (1981/83) - (12/9)
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

 -_ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/journeyman/ _-
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2008-03-26 08:00:02 UTC
※ 引述《journeyman (㊣金大支大壽,六六大支!)》之銘言:
Post by ㊣金大支大壽,六六大支!
※ 引述《DarkDQ ( )》之銘言:
Post by D***@kkcity.com.tw
Are there some one can help me to translate this passage into chinese
because i can't interpret it accurately... tks a lot..
It's a nonsense to find help here to "translate this passage
accurately" because hardly anybody around is familiar with
traditional English pharmacy and its related process 200
years ago, far before pharmacy industry! Just translate it
to your pleasure!
┌─────◆KKCITY◆─────┐ ◆NOKIA 3G手機上網搭配中華電信門號◆
│ bbs.kkcity.com.tw │ ★ http://www.kkbox.com.tw ★
└──《From: 》──┘  唱片公司授權百萬歌曲 $99/月 隨身聆聽
2008-04-11 21:03:07 UTC
Post by D***@kkcity.com.tw
The Blue Light scorns the labor-saving arts of modern pharmarcy.
it macerates its opium and percolates its own laudanum and paregoric.
這段話的意思是: Blue Light 這家藥店, 藐視現代藥房 "省力化"
的經營手法. 它們有自己的配方, 研制成的鎮痛藥和小兒止咳劑.

opium 在此指具有緩和與鎮定成份的藥劑 -- 不是鴉片.
Post by D***@kkcity.com.tw
Are there some one can help me to translate this passage into chinese
Your sentence should read: "Is there someone...", "someone" is written as one word.

"Can someone help me translate this passage into Chinese?"
