2008-03-24 07:47:17 UTC
The Blue Light scorns the labor-saving arts of modern pharmarcy.
it macerates its opium and percolates its own laudanum and paregoric.
Are there some one can help me to translate this passage into chinese
because i can't interpret it accurately... tks a lot..
[1;36m┌─────[33m◆[37mKKCITY[33m◆[36m─────┐[m ◢[31;47m [37;43m◤[m [1m找歌最方便 [36mKKBOX[37m [33m歌詞搜尋!![m
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│ [37m\[43m^_^[32m [37m/[;37;43m [m [1;31m★[33mhttp://www.kkbox.com.tw[31m★[m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘[m [33;43m [1;32m [;33;40m◤[m [1m唱片公司授權,音樂盡情下載[m
it macerates its opium and percolates its own laudanum and paregoric.
Are there some one can help me to translate this passage into chinese
because i can't interpret it accurately... tks a lot..
[1;36m┌─────[33m◆[37mKKCITY[33m◆[36m─────┐[m ◢[31;47m [37;43m◤[m [1m找歌最方便 [36mKKBOX[37m [33m歌詞搜尋!![m
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│ [37m\[43m^_^[32m [37m/[;37;43m [m [1;31m★[33mhttp://www.kkbox.com.tw[31m★[m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘[m [33;43m [1;32m [;33;40m◤[m [1m唱片公司授權,音樂盡情下載[m