2009-09-20 16:29:32 UTC
as title...
No need to cry, let our your feelings,
wide throught the space, where time just endlessly spins,
twinkling tears of night, darkness turns to light,
Sailing so free, Sailing in peace,
lay your heart down onto the sea of the stars.
[1m╭──── [31mO[32mr[33mi[34mg[35mi[36mn[m:[1;36m<不良牛牧場>[33m bbs.badcow.com.tw [32m([37m─────╮[m
[1m│ [5;33m ↘ [;1;32;40mWelcome to SimFarm BBS [37m-- [31mFrom : [[37m114.44.102.36[31m][37;40m │[m
[1m╰[;32;40m◣◣[1m◢ ◢◢[34m《[37m不良牛免費撥接→電話:[36m40586000[37m→帳號:[36mzoo[37m→密碼:[36mzoo[34m》[;32;40m ◣◣[1m◢ [37m─╯[m
No need to cry, let our your feelings,
wide throught the space, where time just endlessly spins,
twinkling tears of night, darkness turns to light,
Sailing so free, Sailing in peace,
lay your heart down onto the sea of the stars.
[1m╭──── [31mO[32mr[33mi[34mg[35mi[36mn[m:[1;36m<不良牛牧場>[33m bbs.badcow.com.tw [32m([37m─────╮[m
[1m│ [5;33m ↘ [;1;32;40mWelcome to SimFarm BBS [37m-- [31mFrom : [[37m114.44.102.36[31m][37;40m │[m
[1m╰[;32;40m◣◣[1m◢ ◢◢[34m《[37m不良牛免費撥接→電話:[36m40586000[37m→帳號:[36mzoo[37m→密碼:[36mzoo[34m》[;32;40m ◣◣[1m◢ [37m─╯[m