2007-12-02 03:10:23 UTC
1. It is therefore of no moment whether Sterling performs those services
usually or always, or whether it does so as the agent of LPI or as
the agent of the investor.(LPI是公司名稱,Sterling是裡面的職員)
什麼是「of no moment」? 這句話的意思是?
2. I would distinguish between investments and[1;35m those which do not by[m
[1;35m focusing on the kind degree of dependence between the investor's[m
[1;35m profits and the promoter's (發起人的) activities.[m
我知道do not by focusing on有文法上的錯誤。不過我還是想知道紫色部份
[1;36m┌─────[33m◆[37mKKCITY[33m◆[36m─────┐[m[1;37;46m KK[33m免/費/撥/接 [;36;40m◤[m
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│[;36;46m▏[1;37m電話(1):449[;36;40m◤[1;37m1999 電話(2):4058-6000[m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘[;36m▏[1;37m帳號:[33mkkcity [37m密碼:[33mkkcity[m
usually or always, or whether it does so as the agent of LPI or as
the agent of the investor.(LPI是公司名稱,Sterling是裡面的職員)
什麼是「of no moment」? 這句話的意思是?
2. I would distinguish between investments and[1;35m those which do not by[m
[1;35m focusing on the kind degree of dependence between the investor's[m
[1;35m profits and the promoter's (發起人的) activities.[m
我知道do not by focusing on有文法上的錯誤。不過我還是想知道紫色部份
[1;36m┌─────[33m◆[37mKKCITY[33m◆[36m─────┐[m[1;37;46m KK[33m免/費/撥/接 [;36;40m◤[m
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│[;36;46m▏[1;37m電話(1):449[;36;40m◤[1;37m1999 電話(2):4058-6000[m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘[;36m▏[1;37m帳號:[33mkkcity [37m密碼:[33mkkcity[m