Bridge to Terabithia
2008-09-12 15:28:36 UTC
┌─────◆KKCITY◆─────┐ ● KKCITY 市民小常識  ●
│ bbs.kkcity.com.tw │ Q:文章標題前有#符號是代表什麼意思?
└──《From: 》──┘ A:被作者加密了,需輸入密碼才能閱讀
Kasey Chang 小張
2008-09-14 00:23:43 UTC
Post by D***@kkcity.com.tw
Just transcribe the paragraph.

Not all of us have the book.
小張寫於 9/13/2008 5:23:22 PM PST / 小張偶然記 http://kschang.blogspot.com
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2008-09-14 04:05:54 UTC
Post by Kasey Chang 小張
Post by D***@kkcity.com.tw
Just transcribe the paragraph.
Not all of us have the book.
Here is the paragraph in which i juz don't understand one word's meaning...

"I got plenty of chores needs doing around here this morning," his mother

announced as they were finishing the grits and red gravy. His mother was from

Georgia and still cooked like it.

"Oh, Momma!" Ellie and Brenda squawked in concert. Those girls could get

out of work faster than grasshoppers could slip through your fingers.

"Momma, you promised me and Brenda we could go to Miilsburg for school


"You ain't got no money for school shopping!"

"Momma. We're juz going to look around."

"Christmas! You don't want us to have no fun at all."

"Any fun," Ellie corrected her primly.

What does "Christmas" mean here? And the season of the setting of the story is
August, so, that's why, i'm confused by the word...
┌─────◆KKCITY◆─────┐    KKCITY 市民小密技 -文章標題上-  ◣
│ bbs.kkcity.com.tw │   Ctrl+y 可設定單篇文章加密
└──《From: 》──┘ ◤  Shift+y 可設定單篇文章密碼
Kasey Chang 小張
2008-09-16 00:29:17 UTC
Post by D***@kkcity.com.tw
Post by Kasey Chang 小張
Post by D***@kkcity.com.tw
Just transcribe the paragraph.
Not all of us have the book.
Here is the paragraph in which i juz don't understand one word's meaning...
"I got plenty of chores needs doing around here this morning," his mother
announced as they were finishing the grits and red gravy. His mother was from
Georgia and still cooked like it.
"Oh, Momma!" Ellie and Brenda squawked in concert. Those girls could get
out of work faster than grasshoppers could slip through your fingers.
"Momma, you promised me and Brenda we could go to Miilsburg for school
"You ain't got no money for school shopping!"
"Momma. We're juz going to look around."
"Christmas! You don't want us to have no fun at all."
"Any fun," Ellie corrected her primly.
What does "Christmas" mean here? And the season of the setting of the story is
August, so, that's why, i'm confused by the word...
It's a very strict household. They aren't supposed to say "Christ!" or
"Jesus Christ!" It's known as "taking the Lord's name in vain", and way
back when it can earn a beating or at least a slap. So some people invented
other ways to 'swear', like "shucks!" or "shoot!" instead of "sh*t!" It
sounds like "Christmas!" here is a substitute for "Jesus Christ!".

Basically it means "Sheesh!" :)
小張寫於 9/15/2008 5:27:11 PM PST / 小張偶然記 http://kschang.blogspot.com
Need English help? See http://kcamericanenglish.blogspot.com
Need some PC help instead? Try http://pcfaqsbykc.blogspot.com
2008-09-16 05:56:06 UTC
Post by Kasey Chang 小張
Post by D***@kkcity.com.tw
Here is the paragraph in which i juz don't understand one word's meaning...
"I got plenty of chores needs doing around here this morning," his mother
announced as they were finishing the grits and red gravy. His mother was from
Georgia and still cooked like it.
"Oh, Momma!" Ellie and Brenda squawked in concert. Those girls could get
out of work faster than grasshoppers could slip through your fingers.
"Momma, you promised me and Brenda we could go to Miilsburg for school
"You ain't got no money for school shopping!"
"Momma. We're juz going to look around."
"Christmas! You don't want us to have no fun at all."
"Any fun," Ellie corrected her primly.
What does "Christmas" mean here? And the season of the setting of the story is
August, so, that's why, i'm confused by the word...
It's a very strict household. They aren't supposed to say "Christ!" or
"Jesus Christ!" It's known as "taking the Lord's name in vain", and way
back when it can earn a beating or at least a slap. So some people invented
other ways to 'swear', like "shucks!" or "shoot!" instead of "sh*t!" It
sounds like "Christmas!" here is a substitute for "Jesus Christ!".
Basically it means "Sheesh!" :)

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