2006-07-23 05:40:57 UTC
英文不好 所以有困難 請用中文幫我 謝謝


英文履歷表有些空格 不是很懂

想請教以下這些欄位 是要說什麼

1.Military Status (是在問有沒有當兵嘛?)

Service Rank Status Active

Certificate No. Reason of Exemption & Certificate No.

Service From To
Yr. Mth. Yr. Mth.

因為這邊Military Status項目的一整大欄 所以不知道這些東西有沒有關聯性


2.Languages ability這一欄中

有一個English shorthand speed W/M

是說什麼每分鐘幾個字阿? 因為已經有一欄是typing speed了

所以應該不是再說打字 查字典 也翻不出來是什麼意思

3.Reference Check (Please give three names of your friends,
relatives, colleagues, or supervisors)

Reference Check是什麼意思? 後面()內的我懂


4.What improvements are you seeking? Please tick and give details.
Item Explanation Item Explanation

□More responsibility □New field of work
□Salary (how much) □Interest
□Security □Different location
□Any others

這一大欄 是在說什麼?

[什麼是在你找工作中 要考量的?] 是這樣翻嘛?

5.I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this form
and understand that any false statements made herein will be
sufficient cause for termination.

6.I agree and guarantee that I will strictly follow all regulations
provided therein during my employment.
If there is any misconduct, I acknowledge that
I will be facing all sorts of penalties stated in the Employee handbook
with no objections.


請各位高手用中文幫我 感謝~

● ˙ ˙ ◢▇◣ ◢▇◣ ▇ ▇ █▇◣ █▇◣ █▇◣ ◢▇◣ █▇▉ /
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◢ ★˙ ◥█◤ ◥█◤ ◥█◤ ██◤ █◥▆ █▆◤ █ ▉ ▉▉▉˙ ◣
 CDBBS 中正築夢園BBS站 歡迎蒞臨參觀 cd.twbbs.org (  
 http://cd.twbbs.org◥  * Author: cooper ★ From:   ◤
Kasey Chang 小張
2006-07-23 15:41:52 UTC
Post by 朝大美女前進
英文履歷表有些空格 不是很懂
想請教以下這些欄位 是要說什麼
1.Military Status (是在問有沒有當兵嘛?)
Have you EVER served in the military? Or serving now?
Post by 朝大美女前進
Service Rank Status Active
If you had served, put in details.
Post by 朝大美女前進
Certificate No. Reason of Exemption & Certificate No.
If you have exemption, fill this out
Post by 朝大美女前進
Service From To
Yr. Mth. Yr. Mth.
Details of your rank, position, and time period.
Post by 朝大美女前進
因為這邊Military Status項目的一整大欄 所以不知道這些東西有沒有關聯性
If you never served, put "n/a"
Post by 朝大美女前進
2.Languages ability這一欄中
有一個English shorthand speed W/M
是說什麼每分鐘幾個字阿? 因為已經有一欄是typing speed了
所以應該不是再說打字 查字典 也翻不出來是什麼意思
What kind of dictionary do you have? Time to dump that.

Shorthand = 速記
Post by 朝大美女前進
3.Reference Check (Please give three names of your friends,
relatives, colleagues, or supervisors)
Reference Check是什麼意思? 後面()內的我懂
No, just people you know in case the company want to see what
kind of person you are.
Post by 朝大美女前進
4.What improvements are you seeking? Please tick and give details.
Item Explanation Item Explanation
□More responsibility □New field of work
□Salary (how much) □Interest
□Security □Different location
□Any others
This should not apply to you. It seems to be for people who's already
working in the same company, but want to try a different department.
Post by 朝大美女前進
這一大欄 是在說什麼?
[什麼是在你找工作中 要考量的?] 是這樣翻嘛?
5.I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this form
and understand that any false statements made herein will be
sufficient cause for termination.
You understand that they will investigate you, and if you lie on
this application, we can fire you just for that.
Post by 朝大美女前進
6.I agree and guarantee that I will strictly follow all regulations
provided therein during my employment.
If there is any misconduct, I acknowledge that
I will be facing all sorts of penalties stated in the Employee handbook
with no objections.
You will follow company rules. If you do not, you will accept whateer
punishment as stated in Employee Handbook.

Is that simple enough?
小張, 寫於 7/23/2006 8:34:29 AM PDT / 小張偶然記 http://kschang.blogspot.com
Need English help? See http://kcamericanenglish.blogspot.com
Need some PC help instead? Try http://pcfaqsbykc.blogspot.com
2006-07-23 11:47:15 UTC
該不會是 TS*C 的吧...
Post by 朝大美女前進
英文不好 所以有困難 請用中文幫我 謝謝
英文履歷表有些空格 不是很懂
想請教以下這些欄位 是要說什麼
1.Military Status (是在問有沒有當兵嘛?)
Service Rank Status Active
Certificate No. Reason of Exemption & Certificate No.
Service From To
Yr. Mth. Yr. Mth.
因為這邊Military Status項目的一整大欄 所以不知道這些東西有沒有關聯性
役畢退伍可以說 discharge
Female 免填。
Post by 朝大美女前進
2.Languages ability這一欄中
有一個English shorthand speed W/M
是說什麼每分鐘幾個字阿? 因為已經有一欄是typing speed了
所以應該不是再說打字 查字典 也翻不出來是什麼意思
shorthand 有寫吧,就是問手寫速度。
Post by 朝大美女前進
3.Reference Check (Please give three names of your friends,
relatives, colleagues, or supervisors)
Reference Check是什麼意思? 後面()內的我懂
Post by 朝大美女前進
4.What improvements are you seeking? Please tick and give details.
Item Explanation Item Explanation
□More responsibility □New field of work
□Salary (how much) □Interest
□Security □Different location
□Any others
這一大欄 是在說什麼?
[什麼是在你找工作中 要考量的?] 是這樣翻嘛?
Post by 朝大美女前進
5.I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this form
and understand that any false statements made herein will be
sufficient cause for termination.
Post by 朝大美女前進
6.I agree and guarantee that I will strictly follow all regulations
provided therein during my employment.
If there is any misconduct, I acknowledge that
I will be facing all sorts of penalties stated in the Employee handbook
with no objections.
Post by 朝大美女前進
請各位高手用中文幫我 感謝~
"There are no differences but differences of degree between
different degrees of difference and no difference at all."

- William James, under the influence of nitrous oxide.
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