2007-06-04 16:45:43 UTC
1. We think the proposed twenty-percent increase is a bit too high.
=>看不太懂此句子的結構..proposed是當動詞? think後面又接動詞?
2.We could consider offering a bigger selection as along as..
=>為啥offering要加ing?..不能用could consider that offer a bigger selection嗎?
3.I was expecting you to offer a discount.
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│[32m┴ [33m└─[;1;34m▇[37m 馬上申請帶你上網環遊全世界![m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘[31m KK[33mADSL[34m ┴ [37;42m http://adsl.kkcity.com.tw [m
=>看不太懂此句子的結構..proposed是當動詞? think後面又接動詞?
2.We could consider offering a bigger selection as along as..
=>為啥offering要加ing?..不能用could consider that offer a bigger selection嗎?
3.I was expecting you to offer a discount.
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│[32m┴ [33m└─[;1;34m▇[37m 馬上申請帶你上網環遊全世界![m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘[31m KK[33mADSL[34m ┴ [37;42m http://adsl.kkcity.com.tw [m