請問 big record company ???
2008-05-02 03:11:29 UTC
請問其中的 big record company 的意思為何? Thanks in advance.

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) - Charles Ray Fuller must have been planning one big record company. The 21-year-old North Texas man was arrested last week for trying to cash a $360 billion check, saying he wanted to start a record business.
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2008-05-02 10:37:43 UTC
※ 引述《temp1234 ( )》之銘言:
Post by t***@kkcity.com.tw
請問其中的 big record company 的意思為何? Thanks in advance.
company : 公司
record : 唱片
big : ......
蒙帝派松正體中文計畫 (4/23) - 如何隱身 - SPAM - 英國殺人笑話
 ■法外科學暨工程顧問公司■  http://www.wretch.cc/blog/journeyman/
┌─────◆KKCITY◆─────┐ ◢ ◤ 找歌最方便 KKBOX 歌詞搜尋!!
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└──《From: 》──┘   ◤ 唱片公司授權,音樂盡情下載
Kasey Chang 小張
2008-05-07 01:26:30 UTC
Post by t***@kkcity.com.tw
請問其中的 big record company 的意思為何? Thanks in advance.
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) - Charles Ray Fuller must have been planning
one big record company. The 21-year-old North Texas man was arrested
last week for trying to cash a $360 billion check, saying he wanted to
start a record business.
You know what a record company is, right? Motown Records? Columbia?
Now imagine a BIG one.
小張寫於 5/6/2008 6:25:28 PM PST / 小張偶然記 http://kschang.blogspot.com
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