2007-06-23 12:28:58 UTC
Emperor penguins have interesting egg-laying habits
My question is why it cannot be the form " habit," but must be plural?
isn't the word "habit" here to show their usual behaviour? if it were, it
should be a single form, isn't it?
[1;36m┌─────[33m◆[37mKKCITY[33m◆[36m─────┐ [37;42m KKBOX[;32;40m◤[1;37m歌名[33m╱[32m歌手[33m╱[35m歌詞[33m╱[36m專輯[;32;40m◢[1;37;42m搜尋 [m
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│ [m [1m [31m★[33m http://www.kkbox.com.tw [31m★[m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘ [37m[m[1m超過[36m100[m家唱片公司合法授權 音樂盡情下載[m
My question is why it cannot be the form " habit," but must be plural?
isn't the word "habit" here to show their usual behaviour? if it were, it
should be a single form, isn't it?
[1;36m┌─────[33m◆[37mKKCITY[33m◆[36m─────┐ [37;42m KKBOX[;32;40m◤[1;37m歌名[33m╱[32m歌手[33m╱[35m歌詞[33m╱[36m專輯[;32;40m◢[1;37;42m搜尋 [m
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│ [m [1m [31m★[33m http://www.kkbox.com.tw [31m★[m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘ [37m[m[1m超過[36m100[m家唱片公司合法授權 音樂盡情下載[m