轉信站: KimoWebBBS!netnews.kimo.com.tw!news.csie.ncu!news.mgt.ncu!news.ncu!ctu-
Origin: cd.cna.ccu.edu.tw
you're supposed to be saying the word "yuck",
it's a slang that American people often say when they see something gross,
"a slang" is incorrect because slang is uncountable.
I've never seen such a logic in English grammer in
that " a slang" is allowed when the situation is indeed singular.
You said that it's "plural" but actually the word just doesn't get changes
in plural condition, it still can be placed with a singular preposition when
it's supposed to.
Recommend to replace it by "the slang".
they also say "yucky" as an adjective at this point.
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