2007-11-07 08:05:06 UTC
[1;33m Unless design is based on the premise that the presentation content should
be specified in logical terms before media are selected, ad hoc ineffective
interfaces will be the result. Only when the "amodal" specification of content
has been produced should media selection and design proceed.[m The approach
is to carry out a task analysis and then augment the task model with
the necessary information content. In tutorial multimedia, when the task is
teaching or learning (for the user), task analysis is replaced with scripting
the information content to achieve the user's learning goals.
尤其是第二句的 has been produced should media selection and design proceed.
[1;41m→[44m↓[m O[1mri[30mgi[mn: [1;43m 彰化師大生物系˙吟風‧眺月‧擎天崗 [47m micro.bio.ncue.edu.tw [m
[1;45m↑[42m←[m Au[1mt[30mho[mr: [1;33mFlyhigH[m 從 [1;34m163.23.216.208[m 發表
be specified in logical terms before media are selected, ad hoc ineffective
interfaces will be the result. Only when the "amodal" specification of content
has been produced should media selection and design proceed.[m The approach
is to carry out a task analysis and then augment the task model with
the necessary information content. In tutorial multimedia, when the task is
teaching or learning (for the user), task analysis is replaced with scripting
the information content to achieve the user's learning goals.
尤其是第二句的 has been produced should media selection and design proceed.
[1;41m→[44m↓[m O[1mri[30mgi[mn: [1;43m 彰化師大生物系˙吟風‧眺月‧擎天崗 [47m micro.bio.ncue.edu.tw [m
[1;45m↑[42m←[m Au[1mt[30mho[mr: [1;33mFlyhigH[m 從 [1;34m163.23.216.208[m 發表