Reorganize sentences
2009-07-23 13:11:05 UTC
Plz somebody helps me to reorganize the following sentences in order,
esp having the commas be removed from them.

Both the courageous women went from there straightaway, until the triumphant
women, elated, got away out from that army.

though I can grasp the meaning of the sentences, but I'd like to know their
grammar as well.
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└──《From: 》──┘ ◥ ╲ 免程式技術、硬體成本的選擇!!
2009-07-23 22:57:33 UTC
Post by D***@kkcity.com.tw
Plz somebody helps me to reorganize the following sentences in order,
esp having the commas be removed from them.
Both the courageous women went from there straightaway, until the triumphant
women, elated, got away out from that army.
though I can grasp the meaning of the sentences, but I'd like to know their
grammar as well.
I'm afraid I don't understand the question at all. Are you trying to rearrange
the 4 sentences into some sort of order?

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