2009-07-23 13:11:05 UTC
Plz somebody helps me to reorganize the following sentences in order,
esp having the commas be removed from them.
[1;36;40mBoth the courageous women went from there straightaway, until the triumphant
women, elated, got away out from that army[m.
though I can grasp the meaning of the sentences, but I'd like to know their
grammar as well.
[1;36m┌─────[33m◆[37mKKCITY[33m◆[36m─────┐[1m ◢ [37m╱ [46m 想要成立班系社團站台嗎? [40m[m
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│[1m █[46m▉[40m [37m─ [33mKKCity即日起開放BBS站申請囉![m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘[1m ◥ [37m╲ 免程式技術、硬體成本的選擇!![m
esp having the commas be removed from them.
[1;36;40mBoth the courageous women went from there straightaway, until the triumphant
women, elated, got away out from that army[m.
though I can grasp the meaning of the sentences, but I'd like to know their
grammar as well.
[1;36m┌─────[33m◆[37mKKCITY[33m◆[36m─────┐[1m ◢ [37m╱ [46m 想要成立班系社團站台嗎? [40m[m
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│[1m █[46m▉[40m [37m─ [33mKKCity即日起開放BBS站申請囉![m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘[1m ◥ [37m╲ 免程式技術、硬體成本的選擇!![m