Is it a good way
2008-05-02 15:16:44 UTC
I copy my english lessons from my book
to my pc when I am at leisure time or watching TV

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└──《From: 》──┘    來電約會‧幫你預約完美情人!!/
2008-05-02 16:09:27 UTC
※ 引述《polonaise (xxxxx)》之銘言:
Post by xxxxx
I copy my english lessons from my book
to my pc when I am at leisure time or watching TV
I know somethimes I am using chinglish without consciousness
but I will make an effort to pay attention to it
I will listen to some of friends` suggestions for improving my english
┌─────◆KKCITY◆─────┐ KK免/費/撥/接 ◤
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└──《From: 》──┘▏帳號:kkcity 密碼:kkcity
2008-05-03 09:39:21 UTC
※ 引述《polonaise (xxxxx)》之銘言:
Post by xxxxx
※ 引述《polonaise (xxxxx)》之銘言:
Post by xxxxx
I copy my english lessons from my book
to my pc when I am at leisure time or watching TV
I know somethimes I am using chinglish without consciousness
but I will make an effort to pay attention to it
I will listen to some of friends` suggestions for improving my english
see. I am missing the story of palmardrama again.
okay let me guess.
I think there is still a motive in my mind.
even though I was watching TV
but I though I could do both at the same time
so I asked here is it a good way to learn english.
but here are many topics above my posts
including consciousness.
so my posts is just only a different style
is not it?

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