2007-05-06 15:09:16 UTC
Toronto is 365ft./109 m. above sea level. the average annual precipitation in
Toronto is 32 in./81 cm.
is there someone willing to be kind to tell me. How to translate there were
"^^^^^^" below letters in English?
thanks in advance:)
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│[32m┴ [33m└─[;1;34m▇[37m 馬上申請帶你上網環遊全世界![m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘[31m KK[33mADSL[34m ┴ [37;42m http://adsl.kkcity.com.tw [m
Toronto is 32 in./81 cm.
is there someone willing to be kind to tell me. How to translate there were
"^^^^^^" below letters in English?
thanks in advance:)
[1;36m│[31m bbs.kkcity.com.tw [36m│[32m┴ [33m└─[;1;34m▇[37m 馬上申請帶你上網環遊全世界![m
[1;36m└──[34m《[0;37mFrom: [1;34m》[36m──┘[31m KK[33mADSL[34m ┴ [37;42m http://adsl.kkcity.com.tw [m