2007-10-13 02:57:03 UTC
What can we say - Ron Stuart is completely insane! His extreme brand of radio
defies description, and if it were up to us, we would require a doctor's
prescription to let you listen!
這是我從ICRT 首頁上看到的
" His extreme brand of radio defies description, and if it were up to us,"
這兩句是我最不懂得, 字典也不知道從何查起
請高手指教, thanks.
[32m※ Origin: 楓橋驛站<bbs.cs.nthu.edu.tw>
◆ From: kona @61-62-108-129-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
defies description, and if it were up to us, we would require a doctor's
prescription to let you listen!
這是我從ICRT 首頁上看到的
" His extreme brand of radio defies description, and if it were up to us,"
這兩句是我最不懂得, 字典也不知道從何查起
請高手指教, thanks.
[32m※ Origin: 楓橋驛站<bbs.cs.nthu.edu.tw>
◆ From: kona @61-62-108-129-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw